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Belgian Patent

  • 1 Blg.P.

    ( Belgian Patent) бельгийский патент

    Patent terms dictionary > Blg.P.

  • 2 Solvay, Ernest

    SUBJECT AREA: Chemical technology
    b. 16 April 1838 Rebcq, near Brussels, Belgium
    d. 26 May 1922 Brussels, Belgium
    Belgian manufacturer, first successfully to produce soda by the ammonia-soda process.
    From the beginning of the nineteenth century, soda had been manufactured by the Leblanc process. Important though it was, serious drawbacks had shown themselves early on. The worst was the noxious alkali waste left after the extraction of the soda, in such large quantities that two tons of waste were produced for one of soda. The first attempt to work out an alternative process was by the French scientist and engineer A.J. Fresnel, but it failed. The process consisted essentially of passing carbon dioxide into a solution of ammonia in brine (sodium chloride). The product, sodium bicarbonate, could easily be converted to soda by heating. For over half a century, practical difficulties, principally the volatility of the ammonia, dogged the process and a viable solution eluded successive chemists, including James Muspratt and William Deacon.
    Finally, Ernest Solvay and his brother Alfred tackled the problem, and in 1861 they filed a Belgian patent for improvements, notably the introduction of a carbonating tower, which made the process continuous. The first works were set up at Couillet in 1863, but four further years of hard work were still needed to overcome teething troubles. Once the Solvay ammonia-soda process was working well, it made rapid strides. It was introduced into Britain in 1872 under licence to Ludwig Mond and four years later Solvay opened the large Dombaske works in France.
    Solvay was a member of the Belgian Senate and a Minister of State. International institutes of physics, chemistry and sociology are named after him.
    Further Reading
    P.Heger and C.Lefebvre, 1919, La vie d'Ernest Solvay.
    Obituary, 1922, Ind. Eng. Chem.: 1,156.

    Biographical history of technology > Solvay, Ernest

  • 3 Chaudron, Joseph

    b. 29 November 1822 Gosselies, Belgium
    d. 16 January 1905 Auderghem, Belgium
    Belgian mining engineer, pioneer in boring shafts.
    In 1842, as a graduate of the Ecole des Mines in Liège, he became a member of the Belgian Corps Royal des Mines, which he left ten years later as Chief Engineer. By that time he had become decisively influential in the Société Anglo-Belge des Mines du Rhin, founded in 1848. After it became the Gelsenkirchen-based Bergwerkgesellschaft Dahlbusch in 1873, he became President of its Board of Directors and remained in this position until his death. Thanks to his outstanding technical and financial abilities, the company developed into one of the largest in the Ruhr coal district.
    When K.G. Kind practised his shaft-boring for the company in the early 1850s but did not overcome the difficulty of making the bottom of the bore-hole watertight, Chaudron joined forces with him to solve the problem and constructed a rotary heading which was made watertight with a box stuffed with moss; rings of iron tubing were placed on this as the sinking progressed, effectively blocking off the aquiferous strata as a result of the hydrostatic pressure which helped support the weight of the tubing until it was secured permanently. The Kind-Chaudron system of boring shafts in the full section marked an important advance upon existing methods, and was completely applied for the first time at a coalmine near Mons, Belgium, in 1854–6. In Brussels Chaudron and Kind founded the Société de Fonçage par le Procédé Kind et Chaudron in 1854, and Chaudron was granted a patent the next year. Foreign patents followed and the Kind-Chaudron system was the one most frequently applied in the latter part of the nineteenth century. Altogether, under Chaudron's control, there were more than eighty shafts sunk in wet strata in Germany, Belgium, France and England.
    1853–4, "Notice sur le procédé inventé par l'ingénieur Kind, pour l"établissement des puits de mines', Annales des travaux publics de Belgique 12:327–38.
    1862, "Über die nach dem Kindschen Erdbohrverfahren in Belgien ausgefùhrten Schachtbohrarbeiten", Berg-und Hüttenmännische Zeitschrift 21:402−7, 419−21, 444−7.
    1867, "Notice sur les travaux exécutés en France, en Belgique et en Westphalie de 1862– 1867", Annales des travaux publics de Belgique 25: 136–45.
    1872, "Remplacement d'un cuvelage en bois par un cuvelage en fonte", Annales des
    travaux publics de Belgique 30:77–91.
    Further Reading
    D.Hoffmann, 1962, Acht Jahrzehnte Gefrierverfahren nachPötsch, Essen, pp. 12–18 (evaluates the Kind-Chaudron system as a new era).
    W.Kesten, 1952, Geschichte der Bergwerksgesellschaft Dahlbusch, Essen (gives a delineation of the mining company's flourishing as well as the technical measures under his influence).
    T.Tecklenburg, 1914, Handbuch der Tiefbohrkunde, 2nd edn, Vol VI, Berlin, pp. 39–58 (provides a detailed description of Chaudron's tubing).

    Biographical history of technology > Chaudron, Joseph

  • 4 Kind, Karl Gotthelf

    b. 6 June 1801 Linda, near Freiberg, Germany
    d. 9 March 1873 Saarbrücken, Germany
    German engineer, pioneer in deep drilling.
    The son of an ore miner in Saxony, Kind was engaged in his father's profession for some years before he joined Glenck's drillings for salt at Stotternheim, Thuringia. There in 1835, after trying for five years, he self-reliantly put down a 340 m (1,100 ft) deep well; his success lay in his use of fish joints of a similar construction to those used shortly before by von Oeynhausen in Westphalia. In order to improve their operational possibilities in aquiferous wells, in 1842 he developed his own free-fall device between the rod and the drill, which enabled the chisel to reach the bottom of the hole without hindrance. His invention was patented in France. Four years later, at Mondorf, Luxembourg, he put down a 736 m (2,415 ft) deep borehole, the deepest in the world at that time.
    Kind contributed further considerable improvements to deep drilling and was the first successfully to replace iron rods with wooden ones, on account of their buoyancy in water. The main reasons for his international reputation were his attempts to bore out shafts, which he carried out for the first time in the region of Forbach, France, in 1848. Three years later he was engaged in the Ruhr area by a Belgian-and English-financed mining company, later the Dahlbusch mining company in Gelsenkirchen, to drill a hole that was later enlarged to 4.4 m (14 1/2 ft) and made watertight by lining. Although he had already taken out a patent for boring and lining shafts in 1849 in Belgium, his wooden support did not qualify. It was the Belgian engineer Joseph Chaudron, in charge of the mining company, who overcame the difficulty of making the bottom of the borehole watertight. In 1854 they jointly founded a shaft-sinking company in Brussels which specialized in aquiferous formations and operated internationally.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur 1849.
    Further Reading
    H.G.Conrad, "Carl Gotthelf Kind", Neue deutsche Biographie 10:613–14.
    D.Hoffmann, 1959, 150 Jahre Tiefbohrungen in Deutschland, Vienna and Hamburg, pp. 20–5 (assesses his technological achievements).
    T.Tecklenburg, 1914, Handbuch der Tiefbohrkunde, 2nd end, Vol. VI, Berlin, pp. 36–9 (provides a detailed description of his equipment).
    J.Chaudron, 1862, "Über die nach dem Kindschen Erdbohrverfahren in Belgien ausgeführten Schachtbohrarbeiten", Berg-und Hüttenmännische Zeitung 21:402–4, (describes his contribution to making Kind's shafts watertight).

    Biographical history of technology > Kind, Karl Gotthelf

  • 5 Walschaert, Egide

    b. 20 January 1820 Mechlin, Belgium
    d. 18 February 1901 Saint-Lilies, Brussels, Belgium
    Belgian inventor of Walschaerrt valve gear for steam engines.
    Walschaert was appointed Foreman of the Brussels Midi workshops of the Belgian State Railways in 1844, when they were opened, and remained in this position until 1885. He invented his valve gear the year he took up his appointment and was allowed to fit it to a 2–2–2 locomotive in 1848, the results being excellent. It was soon adopted in Belgium and to a lesser extent in France, but although it offered accessibility, light weight and mechanical efficiency, railways elsewhere were remarkably slow to take it up. It was first used in the British Isles in 1878, on a 0–4–4 tank locomotive built to the patent of Robert Fairlie, but was not used again there until 1890. By contrast, Fairlie had already used Walchaert's valve gear in 1873, on locomotives for New Zealand, and when New Zealand Railways started to build their own locomotives in 1889 they perpetuated it. The valve gear was only introduced to the USA following a visit by an executive of the Baldwin Locomotive Works to New Zealand ten years later. Subsequently it came to be used almost everywhere there were steam locomotives. Walschaert himself invented other improvements for steam engines, but none with lasting effect.
    Further Reading
    P.Ransome-Wallis (ed.), 1959, The Concise Encyclopaedia, of World Railway Locomotives, London: Hutchinson (includes both a brief biography of Walschaert (p.
    502) and a technical description of his valve gear (p. 298)).
    E.L.Ahrons, 1927, The British Steam Railway Locomotive 1825–1925, London: The Locomotive Publishing Co., pp. 224 and 289 (describes the introduction of the valve gear to Britain).
    J.B.Snell, 1964, Early Railways, London: Weidenfeld \& Nicolson, 103.

    Biographical history of technology > Walschaert, Egide

  • 6 Lenoir, Jean Joseph Etienne

    b. 1822 Mussey-la-Ville, Belgium
    d. 1900 Verenna Saint-Hildar, France
    Belgian (naturalized French in 1870) inventor of internal combustion engines, an electroplating process and railway telegraphy systems.
    Leaving his native village for Paris at the age of 16, Lenoir became a metal enameller. Experiments with various electroplating processes provided a useful knowledge of electricity that showed in many of his later ideas. Electric ignition, although somewhat unreliable, was a feature of the Lenoir gas engine which appeared in 1860. Resembling the steam engine of the day, Lenoir engines used a non-compression cycle of operations, in which the gas-air mixture of about atmospheric pressure was being ignited at one-third of the induction stroke. The engines were double acting. About five hundred of Lenoir's engines were built, mostly in Paris by M.Hippolyte Marinoni and by Lefébvre; the Reading Ironworks in England built about one hundred. Many useful applications of the engine are recorded, but the explosive shock that occurred on ignition, together with the unreliable ignition systems, prevented large-scale acceptance of the engine in industry. However, Lenoir's effort and achievements stimulated much discussion, and N.A. Otto is reported to have carried out his first experiments on a Lenoir engine.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Académie des Sciences Prix Montyon Prize 1870. Société d'Encouragement, Silver Prize of 12,000 francs. Légion d'honneur 1881 (for his work in telegraphy).
    8 February 1860, British patent no. 335 (the first Lenoir engine).
    1861, British patent no. 107 (the Lenoir engine).
    Further Reading
    Dugald Clerk, 1895, The Gas and Oil Engine, 6th edn, London, pp. 13–15, 30, 118, 203.
    World Who's Who in Science, 1968 (for an account of Lenoir's involvement in technology).

    Biographical history of technology > Lenoir, Jean Joseph Etienne

  • 7 Stephenson, George

    b. 9 June 1781 Wylam, Northumberland, England
    d. 12 August 1848 Tapton House, Chesterfield, England
    English engineer, "the father of railways".
    George Stephenson was the son of the fireman of the pumping engine at Wylam colliery, and horses drew wagons of coal along the wooden rails of the Wylam wagonway past the house in which he was born and spent his earliest childhood. While still a child he worked as a cowherd, but soon moved to working at coal pits. At 17 years of age he showed sufficient mechanical talent to be placed in charge of a new pumping engine, and had already achieved a job more responsible than that of his father. Despite his position he was still illiterate, although he subsequently learned to read and write. He was largely self-educated.
    In 1801 he was appointed Brakesman of the winding engine at Black Callerton pit, with responsibility for lowering the miners safely to their work. Then, about two years later, he became Brakesman of a new winding engine erected by Robert Hawthorn at Willington Quay on the Tyne. Returning collier brigs discharged ballast into wagons and the engine drew the wagons up an inclined plane to the top of "Ballast Hill" for their contents to be tipped; this was one of the earliest applications of steam power to transport, other than experimentally.
    In 1804 Stephenson moved to West Moor pit, Killingworth, again as Brakesman. In 1811 he demonstrated his mechanical skill by successfully modifying a new and unsatisfactory atmospheric engine, a task that had defeated the efforts of others, to enable it to pump a drowned pit clear of water. The following year he was appointed Enginewright at Killingworth, in charge of the machinery in all the collieries of the "Grand Allies", the prominent coal-owning families of Wortley, Liddell and Bowes, with authorization also to work for others. He built many stationary engines and he closely examined locomotives of John Blenkinsop's type on the Kenton \& Coxlodge wagonway, as well as those of William Hedley at Wylam.
    It was in 1813 that Sir Thomas Liddell requested George Stephenson to build a steam locomotive for the Killingworth wagonway: Blucher made its first trial run on 25 July 1814 and was based on Blenkinsop's locomotives, although it lacked their rack-and-pinion drive. George Stephenson is credited with building the first locomotive both to run on edge rails and be driven by adhesion, an arrangement that has been the conventional one ever since. Yet Blucher was far from perfect and over the next few years, while other engineers ignored the steam locomotive, Stephenson built a succession of them, each an improvement on the last.
    During this period many lives were lost in coalmines from explosions of gas ignited by miners' lamps. By observation and experiment (sometimes at great personal risk) Stephenson invented a satisfactory safety lamp, working independently of the noted scientist Sir Humphry Davy who also invented such a lamp around the same time.
    In 1817 George Stephenson designed his first locomotive for an outside customer, the Kilmarnock \& Troon Railway, and in 1819 he laid out the Hetton Colliery Railway in County Durham, for which his brother Robert was Resident Engineer. This was the first railway to be worked entirely without animal traction: it used inclined planes with stationary engines, self-acting inclined planes powered by gravity, and locomotives.
    On 19 April 1821 Stephenson was introduced to Edward Pease, one of the main promoters of the Stockton \& Darlington Railway (S \& DR), which by coincidence received its Act of Parliament the same day. George Stephenson carried out a further survey, to improve the proposed line, and in this he was assisted by his 18-year-old son, Robert Stephenson, whom he had ensured received the theoretical education which he himself lacked. It is doubtful whether either could have succeeded without the other; together they were to make the steam railway practicable.
    At George Stephenson's instance, much of the S \& DR was laid with wrought-iron rails recently developed by John Birkinshaw at Bedlington Ironworks, Morpeth. These were longer than cast-iron rails and were not brittle: they made a track well suited for locomotives. In June 1823 George and Robert Stephenson, with other partners, founded a firm in Newcastle upon Tyne to build locomotives and rolling stock and to do general engineering work: after its Managing Partner, the firm was called Robert Stephenson \& Co.
    In 1824 the promoters of the Liverpool \& Manchester Railway (L \& MR) invited George Stephenson to resurvey their proposed line in order to reduce opposition to it. William James, a wealthy land agent who had become a visionary protagonist of a national railway network and had seen Stephenson's locomotives at Killingworth, had promoted the L \& MR with some merchants of Liverpool and had carried out the first survey; however, he overreached himself in business and, shortly after the invitation to Stephenson, became bankrupt. In his own survey, however, George Stephenson lacked the assistance of his son Robert, who had left for South America, and he delegated much of the detailed work to incompetent assistants. During a devastating Parliamentary examination in the spring of 1825, much of his survey was shown to be seriously inaccurate and the L \& MR's application for an Act of Parliament was refused. The railway's promoters discharged Stephenson and had their line surveyed yet again, by C.B. Vignoles.
    The Stockton \& Darlington Railway was, however, triumphantly opened in the presence of vast crowds in September 1825, with Stephenson himself driving the locomotive Locomotion, which had been built at Robert Stephenson \& Co.'s Newcastle works. Once the railway was at work, horse-drawn and gravity-powered traffic shared the line with locomotives: in 1828 Stephenson invented the horse dandy, a wagon at the back of a train in which a horse could travel over the gravity-operated stretches, instead of trotting behind.
    Meanwhile, in May 1826, the Liverpool \& Manchester Railway had successfully obtained its Act of Parliament. Stephenson was appointed Engineer in June, and since he and Vignoles proved incompatible the latter left early in 1827. The railway was built by Stephenson and his staff, using direct labour. A considerable controversy arose c. 1828 over the motive power to be used: the traffic anticipated was too great for horses, but the performance of the reciprocal system of cable haulage developed by Benjamin Thompson appeared in many respects superior to that of contemporary locomotives. The company instituted a prize competition for a better locomotive and the Rainhill Trials were held in October 1829.
    Robert Stephenson had been working on improved locomotive designs since his return from America in 1827, but it was the L \& MR's Treasurer, Henry Booth, who suggested the multi-tubular boiler to George Stephenson. This was incorporated into a locomotive built by Robert Stephenson for the trials: Rocket was entered by the three men in partnership. The other principal entrants were Novelty, entered by John Braithwaite and John Ericsson, and Sans Pareil, entered by Timothy Hackworth, but only Rocket, driven by George Stephenson, met all the organizers' demands; indeed, it far surpassed them and demonstrated the practicability of the long-distance steam railway. With the opening of the Liverpool \& Manchester Railway in 1830, the age of railways began.
    Stephenson was active in many aspects. He advised on the construction of the Belgian State Railway, of which the Brussels-Malines section, opened in 1835, was the first all-steam railway on the European continent. In England, proposals to link the L \& MR with the Midlands had culminated in an Act of Parliament for the Grand Junction Railway in 1833: this was to run from Warrington, which was already linked to the L \& MR, to Birmingham. George Stephenson had been in charge of the surveys, and for the railway's construction he and J.U. Rastrick were initially Principal Engineers, with Stephenson's former pupil Joseph Locke under them; by 1835 both Stephenson and Rastrick had withdrawn and Locke was Engineer-in-Chief. Stephenson remained much in demand elsewhere: he was particularly associated with the construction of the North Midland Railway (Derby to Leeds) and related lines. He was active in many other places and carried out, for instance, preliminary surveys for the Chester \& Holyhead and Newcastle \& Berwick Railways, which were important links in the lines of communication between London and, respectively, Dublin and Edinburgh.
    He eventually retired to Tapton House, Chesterfield, overlooking the North Midland. A man who was self-made (with great success) against colossal odds, he was ever reluctant, regrettably, to give others their due credit, although in retirement, immensely wealthy and full of honour, he was still able to mingle with people of all ranks.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    President, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, on its formation in 1847. Order of Leopold (Belgium) 1835. Stephenson refused both a knighthood and Fellowship of the Royal Society.
    1815, jointly with Ralph Dodd, British patent no. 3,887 (locomotive drive by connecting rods directly to the wheels).
    1817, jointly with William Losh, British patent no. 4,067 (steam springs for locomotives, and improvements to track).
    Further Reading
    L.T.C.Rolt, 1960, George and Robert Stephenson, Longman (the best modern biography; includes a bibliography).
    S.Smiles, 1874, The Lives of George and Robert Stephenson, rev. edn, London (although sycophantic, this is probably the best nineteenthcentury biography).

    Biographical history of technology > Stephenson, George

  • 8 Belgium

    общ. Бельгия (королевство (конституционная монархия); столица — Брюссель; государственные языки фламандский и французский; валюта — евро, до 2002 г. в качестве национальной валюты использовался бельгийский франк)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Belgium

  • 9 Dony, Jean-Jacques Daniel

    SUBJECT AREA: Metallurgy
    b. 24 February 1759 Liège, Belgium
    d. 6 November 1819 Liège, Belgium
    Belgian inventor of the horizontal retort process of zinc manufacture.
    Dony trained initially for the Church, and it is not known how he became interested in the production of zinc. Liège, however, was close to extensive deposits of the zinc ore calamine, and brass had been made since Roman times in the region between Liège and Aix-la-Chapelle (now Aachen). William Champion's technique of brass manufacture was known there and was considered to be too complicated and expensive for the routine manufacture of brass. Dony may have learned about earlier processes of manufacturing zinc on the European continent from his friend Professor Villette of Liège University, and about English methods from Henri Delloye, a friend of both Villette and Dony and who visited Birmingham and Bristol on their behalf to study zinc smelting processes and brass manufacture at first hand. By 21 March 1805 Dony had succeeded in extracting zinc from calamine and casting it in ingots. On the basis of this success he applied to the French Republican administration for assistance and in 1806 was assigned by Napoleon the sole mining rights to the calamine deposits of the Vieille Montagne, or Altenberg, near Moresnet, five miles (8 km) from Aachen. With these rights went the obligation of developing an industrially viable method of zinc refining. In 1807 he constructed a small factory at Isle and there, after much effort, he perfected his celebrated horizontal retort process, the "Liège Method". After July 1809 zinc was being produced in abundance, and in January 1810 Dony was granted an Imperial Patent giving him a monopoly of zinc manufacture for fifteen years. He erected a rolling mill at Saint-Léonard and attempted to persuade the Minister of Marine to use zinc sheets rather than copper for the protection of ships. Between 1809 and 1810 Dony reduced the price of zinc in Liège from 8.60 to 2.60 francs per kilo. However, after 1813 he began to encounter financial problems and in 1818 he surrendered his commercial interests to his partner Dominique Mosselman (d. 1837). The horizontal retort process soon rendered obsolete that of William Champion, and variants of the Liège Method were rapidly evolved in Germany, Britain and the USA.
    Further Reading
    A.Dony, 1941, A Propos de l'industrie belge du zinc au début du XIXe siècle, Brussels. L.Boscheron, "The zinc industry of the Liège District", Journal of the Institution of
    Metals 36 (2):21–6.
    H.Delloye, 1810, Recherches sur la calamine, le zinc et les emplois, Liège: Dauvrain. 1836, Bibliographie Liégeoise.

    Biographical history of technology > Dony, Jean-Jacques Daniel

  • 10 Gramme, Zénobe Théophile

    b. 4 April 1826 Jehay-Bodignée, Belgium
    d. 20 January 1901 Bois de Colombes, Paris, France
    Belgian engineer whose improvements to the dynamo produced a machine ready for successful commercial exploitation.
    Gramme trained as a carpenter and showed an early talent for working with machinery. Moving to Paris he found employment in the Alliance factory as a model maker. With a growing interest in electricity he left to become an instrument maker with Heinrich Daniel Rühmkorff. In 1870 he patented the uniformly wound ring-armature dynamo with which his name is associated. Together with Hippolyte Fontaine, in 1871 Gramme opened a factory to manufacture his dynamos. They rapidly became a commercial success for both arc lighting and electrochemical purposes, international publicity being achieved at exhibitions in Vienna, Paris and Philadelphia. It was the realization that a Gramme machine was capable of running as a motor, i.e. the reversibility of function, that illustrated the entire concept of power transmission by electricity. This was first publicly demonstrated in 1873. In 1874 Gramme reduced the size and increased the efficiency of his generators by relying completely on the principle of self-excitation. It was the first practical machine in which were combined the features of continuity of commutation, self-excitation, good lamination of the armature core and a reasonably good magnetic circuit. This dynamo, together with the self-regulating arc lamps then available, made possible the innumerable electric-lighting schemes that followed. These were of the greatest importance in demonstrating that electric lighting was a practical and economic means of illumination. Gramme also designed an alternator to operate Jablochkoff candles. For some years he took an active part in the operations of the Société Gramme and also experimented in his own workshop without collaboration, but made no further contribution to electrical technology.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knight Commander, Order of Leopold of Belgium 1897. Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur. Chevalier, Order of the Iron Crown, Austria.
    9 June 1870, British patent no. 1,668 (the ring armature machine).
    1871, Comptes rendus 73:175–8 (Gramme's first description of his invention).
    Further Reading
    W.J.King, 1962, The Development of Electrical Technology in the 19th Century, Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, Paper 30, pp. 377–90 (an extensive account of Gramme's machines).
    S.P.Thompson, 1901, obituary, Electrician 66: 509–10.
    C.C.Gillispie (ed.), 1972, Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Vol. V, New York, p. 496.

    Biographical history of technology > Gramme, Zénobe Théophile

  • 11 Leclanché, Georges

    SUBJECT AREA: Electricity
    b. 1839 Paris, France
    d. 14 September 1882 Paris, France
    French chemist and inventor of the primary cell named after him, from which the electrochemical principles of the modern dry cell have been developed.
    Leclanché was sent to England for his early education. Returning to France, he entered the Central School of Arts and Manufacture, from which he graduated as a chemical engineer in 1860. He spent some years with a railway company in setting up an electrical timing system, and this work led him to electrochemical research. Driven by political pressure into exile, he set up a small laboratory in Brussels to continue the studies of the behaviour of voltaic cells he had started in France. Many workers directed their efforts to constructing a cell with a single electrolyte and a solid insoluble depo-larizer, but it was Leclanché who produced, in 1866, the prototype of a battery that was rugged, cheap and contained no highly corro-sive liquid. With electrodes of carbon and zinc and a solution of ammonium chloride, polarization was prevented by surrounding the positive electrode with manganese dioxide. The Leclanché cell was adopted by the Belgian Government Telegraph Service in 1868 and rapidly came into general use wherever an intermittent current was needed; for example, in telegraph and later in telephone circuits. Carl Gassner in 1888 pioneered successful dry cells based on the Leclanché system, with the zinc anode serving as the container, and c. 1890 commercial production of such cells began.
    10 October 1866, British patent no. 2,623 (Leclanché cell).
    1868, "Pile au peroxyde de manganèse à seul liquide", Les Mondes 16:532–3 (describes the Leclanché cell).
    Further Reading
    M.Barak, 1966, "Georges Leclanché (1939–1882)", IEE Electronics and Power 12:184– 91 (a detailed account).
    N.C.Cahoon and G.W.Heise (eds), 1976, The Primary Battery, Vol. II, New York, pp. 1–147 (describes subsequent developments), GW

    Biographical history of technology > Leclanché, Georges

  • 12 Mond, Ludwig

    SUBJECT AREA: Chemical technology
    b. 7 March 1839 Cassel, Germany
    d. 11 December 1909 London, England
    German (naturalized English) industrial chemist.
    Born into a prosperous Jewish merchant family, Mond studied at the Polytechnic in Cassel and then under the distinguished chemists Hermann Kolbe at Marburg and Bunsen at Heidelberg from 1856. In 1859 he began work as an industrial chemist in various works in Germany and Holland. At this time, Mond was pursuing his method for recovering sulphur from the alkali wastes in the Leblanc soda-making process. Mond came to England in 1862 and five years later settled permanently, in partnership with John Hutchinson \& Co. at Widnes, to perfect his process, although complete success eluded him. He became a naturalized British subject in 1880.
    In 1872 Mond became acquainted with Ernest Solvay, the Belgian chemist who developed the ammonia-soda process which finally supplanted the Leblanc process. Mond negotiated the English patent rights and set up the first ammoniasoda plant in England at Winnington in Cheshire, in partnership with John Brunner. After overcoming many difficulties by incessant hard work, the process became a financial success and in 1881 Brunner, Mond \& Co. was formed, for a time the largest alkali works in the world. In 1926 the company merged with others to form Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd (ICI). The firm was one of the first to adopt the eight-hour day and to provide model dwellings and playing fields for its employees.
    From 1879 Mond took up the production of ammonia and this led to the Mond producer-gas plant, patented in 1883. The process consisted of passing air and steam over coal and coke at a carefully regulated temperature. Ammonia was generated and, at the same time, so was a cheap and useful producer gas. Mond's major discovery followed the observation in 1889 that carbon monoxide could combine with nickel in its ore at around 60°C to form a gaseous compound, nickel carbonyl. This, on heating to a higher temperature, would then decompose to give pure nickel. Mond followed up this unusual way of producing and purifying a metal and by 1892 had succeeded in setting up a pilot plant to perfect a large-scale process and went on to form the Mond Nickel Company.
    Apart from being a successful industrialist, Mond was prominent in scientific circles and played a leading role in the setting up of the Society of Chemical Industry in 1881. The success of his operations earned him great wealth, much of which he donated for learned and charitable purposes. He formed a notable collection of pictures which he bequeathed to the National Gallery.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRS 1891.
    1885, "On the origin of the ammonia-soda process", Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry 4:527–9.
    1895. "The history of the process of nickel extraction", Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry 14:945–6.
    Further Reading
    J.M.Cohen, 1956, The Life of Ludwig Mond, London: Methuen. Obituary, 1918, Journal of the Chemical Society 113:318–34.
    F.C.Donnan, 1939, Ludwig Mond 1839–1909, London (a valuable lecture).

    Biographical history of technology > Mond, Ludwig

  • 13 Wheatstone, Sir Charles

    SUBJECT AREA: Telecommunications
    b. 1802 near Gloucester, England
    d. 19 October 1875 Paris, France
    English physicist, pioneer of electric telegraphy.
    Wheatstone's family moved to London when he was 4 years old. He was educated at various schools in London and excelled in physics and mathematics. He qualified for a French prize but forfeited it because he was too shy to recite a speech in French at the prize-giving.
    An uncle, also called Charles Wheatstone, has a musical instrument manufacturing business where young Charles went to work. He was fascinated by the science of music, but did not enjoy business life. After the uncle's death, Charles and his brother William took over the business. Charles developed and patented the concertina, which the firm assembled from parts made by "outworkers". He devoted much of his time to studying the physics of sound and mechanism of sound transmission through solids. He sent speech and music over considerable distances through solid rods and stretched wires, and envisaged communication at a distance. He concluded, however, that electrical methods were more promising.
    In 1834 Wheatstone was appointed Professor of Experimental Philosophy—a part-time posi-tion—in the new King's College, London, which gave him some research facilities. He conducted experiments with a telegraph system using several miles of wire in the college corridors. Jointly with William Fothergill Cooke, in 1837 he obtained the first patent for a practical electric telegraph, and much of the remainder of his life was devoted to its improvement. In 1843 he gave a paper to the Royal Society surveying the state of electrical measurements and drew attention to a bridge circuit known ever since as the "Wheatstone bridge", although he clearly attributed it to S.H.Christie. Wheatstone devised the "ABC" telegraph, for use on private lines by anyone who could read, and a high-speed automatic telegraph which was adopted by the Post Office and used for many years. He also worked on the French and Belgian telegraph systems; he died when taken ill on a business visit to Paris.
    Further Reading
    B.Bowers, 1975, Sir Charles Wheatstone FRS, London: HMSO.

    Biographical history of technology > Wheatstone, Sir Charles

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